Home > Hiking > Past Hikes > Sequoia National Park
Sequoia National Park
Originally planning to head up to the Redwood National Park, Meenal and I decided to stay further south and visit Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks. Our first two days were spent in Sequoia. Generally, we didn't do much. The evening we arrived could be chalked up to getting settled in, and the following day essentially was a tour of the major sites. We spent that second day's afternoon hiking up Little Baldy, which was a pleasant and short hike. On the third day, we continued onto Yosemite.
General Photos
Little Baldy Hike
Although short, Little Baldy was relaxing and isolated. We encountered a grouse (or some related bird) and its chicks along with a marmot that was unsuccessful but apparently interested in getting food from us.