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Winter 2008 | Stat 10
Professor: Gretchen Davis
TAs: David Diez ( email ) and Sean Wang
*new* review problems (solutions) | A review session will be held on Friday 3-6pm in Franz 2258A (note the change). I will make copies of this document for my sections. If you are attending from Adam's section, please print out a copy ahead of time since I may not have enough copies otherwise. The problems and page numbers listed are from a different book by the same authors than what we use in this course. Attendance is by no means manditory and you may come and go as you please. We will probably have one break of about 10 minutes half way through. Solutions will be posted shortly afterwards.
Office hours (Boelter Hall 9407)
Tuesday: 9:55-10:25
Thurday: 9:55-10:25, 1:30-2:30
Discussion and additional notes
[The descriptions may be inaccurate with the documents since the documents are updated for subsequent quarters.]
week 1 | studies
week 2 | table independence, Z test
week 3 | Z scores and quiz review
week 4 | quiz 4 and probability
week 4 | (lab hour) simulation sheet & practice test
week 5 | return exams and review solutions
week 6 | quiz 5 and proportions
week 7 | omitted (see guide below for the material discussed)
week 8 | omitted (we went over the inferential review handout)
week 9 | quiz 6 was reviewed along with regression properties
week 10 | review of first exam material
week 10 | (lab hour) review of second exam material
a guide for identifying the proper confidence interval or test
Assignments, labs, and Fathom
Moodle | Find the course syllabus, assignments, labs, and lecture information.